- Database Enhancement: The database has been given a facelift in order to make it easier to customize. The older version had information located in the base xml classes as well as book definitions. I have moved the information out of these files and into the book xml class. I have added a new attribute called baseRules that tell the application where to find this information. Users can now define their own base rules.
- Changing the cost or locking out a skill now propagates into the subskills if any exist. Changing the cost of the skill now automatically locks the skill out for changes.
- Locking out a skill now is saved with the character sheet. Before it was not included.
- The Human Hybrid now gets 3 stat points instead of 2
- When you import an attack into your Offensive Information the ranks were not included in the import. Ranks are now included so that now they will show up when you import your character into the Combat Tracker. However there is no way to add ranks if you create an attack manually. This fix will come with the next version.
- Lock Out Cost for Skill now changes to Unlock Cost for Skill if it is locked out.
- Offensive Information will delete the proper attack, instead of the attack just above the one you selected.
- Agile Defense was missing from the Harp Fantasy Database. I have added it as Agile Defense, including it as Swashbuckler in the description. I have declined to make it Agile Defense/Swashbuckler because Martial Law contains the talent Swashbuckler. Even though they are the same it is nice to be able to search for either talent.
- Toolbar now shows tooltips.
- Harp Sci-Fi database has been updated to change any reference to the Stat name Intuition to Insight
- Minimum penalty for armor now adjusts properly.
- Entertainer profession from Harp Sci-Fi now lists the right talents
- Professions with their own spell list now have their spells show up when adding profession ranks in the Mystical Arts category.
- Can now remove adolescence ranks in the New Charcter wizard
- Fixed the shortcuts under the File menu.
- Removed the Help button from the New Character wizard and the New Level wizard.
Purchase the full Harp Sci-Fi Database: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/115095/AutoHARP-SF
Download AutoHARP: https://sourceforge.net/projects/autoharpsuite/
Submit bugs, enhancement requests: https://sourceforge.net/p/autoharpsuite/tickets/?source=navbar
News: http://autoharpsuite.blogspot.com/
You go to http://www.ironcrown.com/ICEforums/index.php to ask questions or you can post them to the discussion board on the SourceForge website.
AutoHARP is supported under Windows XP/7/8 Sorry but I cannot support customization to the databases. I only support the databases as they are packaged at RPGNow.
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