Monday, June 10, 2013

AutoHARP is officially available on RPGNow

I wanted to give people here a few helpful links.

Purchase the full Harp Fantasy Database:
Purchase the full Harp Sci-Fi Database:
Download AutoHARP:
Submit bugs, enhancement requests:

You go to to ask questions or you can post them to the discussion board on the SourceForge website.

Right now AutoHARP works for Windows XP and Windows 7. I have not tested the application under Windows 2003, Vista or 8. I would be interested from anyone who runs either of these Operating systems to let me know if the application works under them. AutoHARP is soon to be released under Ubuntu and should work for versions from 10.04 and up. I currently have someone helping me out on that end. Installation on Ubuntu will require the Java Runtime Environment to be installed on your machine so you can run a JAR file. I am uncertain about any other Linux distros and have been warned that AutoHARP may not work under them without a proper debian package.

Another thing to note. Although I have mentioned this software is open source and freeware (it's the databases you are purchasing that are under commercial license) I don't have a recent upload of the source code. I am having difficulty getting an SVN to run here where I am living. They have a very particular proxy server set up and TortoiseSVN doesn't like it very much or the proxy server doesn't like TortoiseSVN. Either way, until I can figure out the issue, the code available is a very dated, very old build.

Again, thanks for purchasing the Full databases and for using AutoHARP.