Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Video Tutorials Now on YouTube

I've whipped up a few online video tutorials to help with using AutoHARP. They are

Part 1: Installation and Initialization of AutoHARP

Part 2: Creating a New Character Sheet

Part 3: Character Maintenance

Part 4: Adding a Level to Your Character

Part 5: Finishing off our character Sheet

Part 6: Advanced Features: Adding a race and profession

Part 7: Advanced Features Continued

More video tutorials to come. If people have questions about the application I may put together a Q&A video.


  1. Hi David,

    Great program! This will make my efforts to put together NPC's and encounters for some of the adventures I'm working on for Nicholas, a LOT easier. I had a question or two though. I'm finding that if I don't add all the DP's to skills in one shot that when I go back to the skills tab, I don't see how many DP's are left any more. Any ideas?

  2. Check the Traits tabs. There is a field called Development Points. The points remaining are there. Granted this is a AutoHARP feature since, if I read the rules right, any DPs not spent are automatically lost. Thanks for the feedback! ;)
