Sunday, February 12, 2012

Update with Screen Shots!

A frequently asked question has come up asking if AutoHarp will work with Rolemaster. Right now, AutoHarp is only for Harp Fantasy. There are plans to encorporate Harp Sci-Fi but right now there are no plans for Rolemaster unless there is a large response for a Rolemaster version. ICE, according to the forum and newsletter believes that a re-issue of Harp Fantasy will be released in Q2 (April, May, June). It was also mentioned that the database for Autoharp: Character Creator and Combat Tracker might also rollout with this release. Hopefully more news will come as we get closer to the release date. Also, after Harp Fantasy Core Rules has rolled out it has been said that Martial Law Companion and College of Magics is to be released soon after. From what I can tell there are no plans to re-release Bazaar and I do not know if there will be a re-release of the Codex or not. I am planning to have an update for the database for both the Martial Law Companion and College of Magics. 

In the meantime, here are some screenshots of Autoharp: Character Creator and AutoHarp: Combat Tracker.

AutoHarp: Character Creator - Main Page

AutoHarp: Character Creator - Editing Skills

AutoHarp: New Level
AutoHarp: Print Preview

AutoHarp: Combat Tracker - Main Screen

AutoHarp: Combat Tracker - Attack window