Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog merge.

I'm going to merge this blog with my other blog for AutoHarp, making the AutoHarp blog the main blog for both applications: Character Manager and Combat Tracker. I will therefore be eliminating this blog in a few weeks. If you have a subscription to this blog please sign up at my other blog site


and subscribe. Thanks for your interest in AutoHarp.


  1. hi!
    I am a old rolemaster player and i really appreciate your job,
    any possibility to download and try orc?
    Your current project for harp is not rolemaster compatible?

    1. AutoHarp is for the Harp system only right now. If interest for a RM based system arises then I may program one.

      I haven't made the applications live as I am currently working with ICE to have the database, which contains copyright material from the books, be released under their banner. I guess I "could" release the application but it would be an empty database.


  2. I continue to follow your great project!
    If you start to work on a rolemaster (any edition) combat manager was a wanderful thing! I really love this rpg!
    Anyway when the autoharp was released is possible to work on the database to make the combat tracker of autoharp rm compatible (only for personal use)?

    Thx in advance

  3. Autoharp: Combat Tracker is coded to rule Harp rules so changing the database with RM combat tables won't give you RM combat results insofar as the calculations for the resulting hit are not the same as they are in RM. There are plans to get the Martial Law combat system and the Hack and Slash combat system as alternative systems in the combat tracker, but that needs to wait until Martial Law is released by GCP and approval is received to release Hack and Slash. As of right now, there are no plans for a RM version, but that doesn't mean it won't ever happen. I just wouldn't expect it for a while. ;) I still have Harp Sci-Fi and the Expansion for Harp Sci-Fi to complete, the Martial Law and College of Magics DB to complete as well. When these are completed, then based on user feedback an application built for Rolemaster will be considered.

    Hope that helps.

