The Movement Maneuver Window for Orc has been completed. The last thing to do is link to the attack dialog in a way where the user could go back to this window to get movement information or save that information to the Player Object to use in conjunction with either the 5 Step Melee Process with Rolemaster or Ceats.
The Movement Maneuver dialog takes the Movement Maneuver table and allows you to cross reference the difficulty and a 1D100 roll to get a result. If you add a speed value you will get the distance traveled by your character based on their BMR. You will get four values, one for each action phase (snap, normal, and deliberate) and the total. The value for each action phase is the distance the player is to move for that action phase. For example, let's a say a player decides to perform a press and melee. They need to roll a Movement Maneuver first. Using the example above we see the player rolled pretty high and therefore can move 2 hexes (he's a hobbit by the way). If there is a description with the value, that description is displayed. Currently any hit point information is not automatically saved.
Here is a summary of what is left to do with Orc before full debug testing will being.
1) Link the movement generated here to a variable in the Player Object to reference later on.
2) Have Movement Maneuver update hit points or anything else from the description
3) Start the Spell Dialog Window and implement the ability to cast spells and get the results of the cast.
4) Link the Spell Dialog as well to the Player Object to reference later
5) Implement the 5 phase Action sequence for RMSS. This will be a Dialog window at the beginning with a Selection List for each phase. The player needs to pick a phase and an action. They need not fill in for each phase. From here the program will parse through the list and display what needs to be done by what player. Program will take away the percentage from that action to calculate movement and attacks.
6) The ability to update any information on the character screen by clicking the node and having a text box come up.
7) Implement a pane to show casted spells if any.
8) Additional time for other enhancements such as implementing Ceats and a Skill Window.
I'm hoping to get up to number 6 by the end of this month where I plan to move into closing out enhancements and moving into debugging for a few weeks. Middle of March I plan to have a beta ready to test.
April is when I plan to start development on the Character Designer for RMSS. I'm hoping to have something available from that by August of this year.
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